Mode of operation


The European Research Group (ERG), a cooperation instrument devoid of any legal personality, referred to as EVOLTREE Network, is formed starting January 1st, 2011. The ERG document contains the special agreement on the European Research Group (ERG). The document can be downloaded  (registered members only - see "login" on right top).

Governance of the EVOLTREE Network governance is by a Coordinator, with the assistance of an Administrator, the Governing Board, the Executive Committee, and the Bioinformatics Group.

Coordinator and Administrator

The Governing Board appointed INRAE as the EVOLTREE Coordinating Institute during its meeting in Uppsala on September 30th, 2011. For the duration of the Agreement, initially four years and renewed for each phase, the EVOLTREE Administrating Institute is the European Forest Institute (EFI). EFI appointed an EVOLTREE Administrator, who assists the Coordinator.


The EVOLTREE membership is divided into two categories (core and associate members), which are both represented on the Governing Board.

The Governing Board

The Governing Board is the decision-making body of the Network. It coordinates the EVOLTREE activities and scientific programme, and it is composed of one representative from each participating institute.

The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee represents the main research, dissemination, networking and management activities of the EVOLTREE Network. It is set up by the Governing Board to ensure that the work programme adopted for the EVOLTREE Network is followed up and that the actions required are well implemented.

Working Groups


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