Attendance to Scientific Events

In 2024, eight reimbursements of up to Euro 800 are available to fund your participation in international scientific conferences, seminars or meetings if you are a PhD student or postdoc working at an EVOLTREE member organisation and giving an oral or poster presentation. Reimbursements will be granted for the following conferences:




Number of reimbursements available

IUFRO conference - deadline extended until 31 May

23-29 June

Stockholm, Sweden


Congress on Evolutionary Biology

26-30 July

Montreal, Canada


XX International Botanical Congress

21-27 July

Madrid, Spain


Undefined conference, placeholder



Not sure if you are from an EVOLTREE member organisation? Then check the EVOLTREE partner list.

To apply for a conference reimbursement, please send an application letter at least 60 days but no more than 90 days before the conference, explaining how the content of your presentation is relevant to EVOLTREE research topics and how presenting your work in an international setting will help you. You must also agree to display the EVOLTREE logo in your presentation or poster. Include your name, the organisation you work for and your career stage (PhD student, postdoc). Also include proof of acceptance of your abstract as an oral or poster presentation. Send the documents to Marjana Westergren and Lidwina Koop.

Applicants will be selected for reimbursement based on the following criteria:

  • Application letter
  • Oral presentation will have priority before poster with oral presentation which has priority before poster presentation
  • Equal distribution of reimbursements among EVOLTREE members
  • Priority will be given to applicants who haven't received a reimbursement in the previous year

One grant is available per EVOLTREE member and conference, unless there are fewer members applying than there are refunds available.

If awarded a conference reimbursement, more information of how to claim the reimbursement are listed here


4 grants awarded to PhD students to attend the IUFRO World Congress in Sweden

Three of the four funded PhD students attending the IUFRO Congress. V. Papin, A. Theraroz, C. Guadaño Peyrot (Photo by M. Westergren)

Four PhD students received a grant to attend the IUFRO World Congress in June 2024 in Sweden.

  • Carlos Guadaño Peyrot, INRAE CSIC
  • Victor Papin, INRAE
  • Jill Sekely, Philipps-University Marburg
  • Adélaïde Theraroz, University Bordeaux


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