The Governing Board is the decision making body of the Network. It coordinates the EVOLTREE activities and scientific programme, and it is composed of one representative from each participating institute.
The Governing Board:
The Governing Board may only make decisions on agenda items. Decisions are made with a qualified majority of three-quarters of the Parties which are present or represented.
The Governing Board has a quorum of half of its members, who must be present or properly represented. Decisions are valid only if agreed by a quorate meeting. Decisions by electronic vote are made with a qualified majority of three-quarters of the parties who answered within the required period. A core member who can show that its own legitimate interests would be severely affected by a decision of the Governing Board may exercise a veto with respect to the corresponding or relevant part of the decision (veto right).
The Governing Board comprises one representative from each participating institute.
Country | Partner | Name |
Germany | NW-FVA | Wilfried Steiner |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | UNSA | Dalibor Ballian |
France | INRAE | Catherine Bastien |
International | EFI | Michele Bozzano |
Italy | CNR-IBBR | Giovanni G. Vendramin |
Portugal | ISA | Maria-Helena Almeida |
Slovenia | SFI | Hojka Kraigher |
Spain | INIA-CSIC | Maria Teresa Cervera Goy |
Romania | INCDS | Dragos Postolache |
Switzerland | WSL | Christoph Hegg |
Sweden | UU | Pascal Milesi |
Belgium | INBO | An Vanden Broeck |
Finland | UHE | Tanja Pyhäjärvi |
Austria | BFW | Peter Mayer |
Croatia | CFRI | Mladen Ivanković |
Czech Republic | CZU | Milan Lstiburek |
Denmark | UCPH | Erik Dahl Kjaer |
Finland | Luke | Egbert Beuker |
Germany | UGOE | Oliver Gailing |
Germany | UMR | Lars Opgenoorth |
Poland | IBL | Jacek Hilszczański |
Poland | UKW | Jaroslaw Burczyk |
Romania | UNITBV | Alexandru Lucian Curtu |
Sweden | SLU | Rosario Garcia Gil |
United Kingdom | UKCEH | Doug Wilson |