11th International Beech Symposium
(Scientific Events)

From 17/09/2018 to 18/09/2018 | Viterbo, Italy


IUFRO Group 1.01.07 "Ecology and Silviculture of Beech"

‘Natural and Managed Beech Forests as Reference Ecosystems for the Sustainable Management of Forest Resources and the Conservation of Biodiversity’

The conference is open to scientists/practitioners/polic<wbr />y makers and welcomes all contributes related to:

  • Biology and ecology of beech, including genetics, physiology, paleoecology and biogeography
  • Natural dynamics of beech forests and their importance for biodiversity conservation
  • Management of beech forests and their role in providing ecosystem services

Registration and abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2018

Registration and payment deadline: 30 June 2018

More information on the symposium website


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