19th New Phytologist Symposium
(Scientific Events)

From 16/09/2008 to 20/09/2008 | Oregon, USA

The title of the Symposium was "Physiological sculpture of plants: new visions and capabilities for crop development". It was held in September in Timberline Hodge, Mount Hood in Oregon, USA.

The symposium took place over three days at the glorious setting of Timberline Lodge, Mount Hood, Oregon, USA. Invited talks formed the basis of discussion at what was a relatively small meeting (up to 100 participants). There was also a poster session and speaker slots for outstanding contributed papers based on submitted abstracts; these were preferably chosen from early-stage career scientists.

There were a wide variety of speakers with scientific expertise ranging from fundamental cellular/informatic approaches to technological and breeding perspectives. A key goal of this meeting was to get scientists with different perspectives talking, integrating, and synergizing.


Holly Slater

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