1st Microarray and qPCR Course
(Scientific Events)

From 25/03/2007 to 28/03/2007 | Agrotechnology and Food Science Group, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Objective of the workshop/training course

Evoltree SEA organised a course on microarray analysis and real-time PCR (qPCR) for researchers who liked to learn more about these techniques and wanted to use it in their research. The three-day course contained both theory and hands-on practice. The course started at a low level, so also persons with little knowledge of molecular biology could join it. After this course the participants understood the important aspects of microarray analysis, and were able to develop and perform their own experiments, or support coworkers who are performing these analyses.


Lecture 1: DNA and RNA isolation, quantification and quality control
Lecture 2: Microarray systems and labelling methods
Lecture 3: Microarray systems, hybridization and experimental design
Lecture 4: Processing the slides, first steps in data management, normalization
Lecture 5: How to find differentially expressed genes (fold change, t-test, ANOVA) and visualisation techniques (clustering, PCA).
Lecture 6: Real Time PCR, an introduction
Lecture 7: Real Time PCR data processing and interpretation

Practical 1: RNA isolation
Practical 2: RNA labelling
Practical 3: Hybridization experiment
Practical 4: Washing, scanning and first processing steps of the microarray
Practical 5: Hands-on microarray data analysis, finding differentially expressed genes, fold changes, clustering data, SAM, PAM
Practical 6: Performing a Real Time PCR experiment

Outline of the course:

As pointed out in the lecture scheme above, during the course all important steps of microarray analysis and Real Time PCR analysis were discussed. It was a combination of theory and practical training, starting at 9.00 in the morning until 18.00 in the afternoon. In the evening free time could be used for discussions, repeating lectures, preparing for the next day (handout of the lectures and protocols for practice will be distributed) and, of course, EVOLTREE research of each individual participant could also be discussed.


Jurriaan Mes (jurriaan.mes@wur.nl)

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