(Annual Meeting)

From 15/09/2019 to 17/09/2019 | Aberdeen, UK

We are delighted to announce that our 2019 Annual Meeting will be held on from 16 to 17 September 2019, at the James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen, UK, in the framework of the EFI Annual Conference.

Governing Board Meeting (Monday 16 September)

During this new period for our network, our aim will be to focus on the members’ interests in order to define the network activities and goals to achieve in the coming four years.

Consult the agenda

EVOLTREE Scientific Seminar (Tuesday 17 September)

The seminar entitled "Genetic adaptation research for future forests" will explore the ways in which forest tree genetics can be applied to increase local adaptation and resilience in future forests. New genetic and genomics approaches, including new-generation breeding strategies, have great potential to harness natural genetic variation to promote forest health and productivity, in particular in the face of global disturbances, such as climate change, land fragmentation and emerging pests and diseases.

The seminar will be followed by a field trip in the afternoon to the Eastern Scottish Highlands to visit the Glen Tanar native pinewood and theGlensaugh experimental site.

Consult the programme



Registration for both events here

For further information about registration and practicalities contact: claudia.antoniotti @ efi.int


Claudia Antoniotti (claudia.antoniotti @ efi.int)

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