Eco-evolutionary Approaches to Climate Change Responses

From 26/08/2009 to 29/08/2009 | Paris, France

The workshop brought together leaders in the scientific community and "young scientists" (i.e., thesis students, early career post-docs, etc.) with the goals of: 1) creating an international network of scientists working on bridging the gaps between evolutionary, molecular and functional ecology with the specific goal of contributing to the development or improvement of models that account for both evolutionary and functional processes and 2) providing training for young scientists who are interested in the new and rapidly expanding field of eco-evolutionary research. The focus was on plants, especially trees, but presentations coverd a broad range of organisms.

This meeting was funded and organized by the EVOLTREE Network of Excellence, DIVERSITAS (an international program of biodiversity science) and the ESE laboratory in Orsay, France.

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