The EVOLTREE annual meeting 2012 was held as a satellite meeting of the NovelTree final conference organised and hosted by METLA Helsinki, Finland. Since the programme of the Noveltree meeting looked exciting and very relevant for EVOLTREE researchers, the EVOLTREE session was limited to half a day maximum in the morning of Friday, October 19th.
08:30 - 10:30: Governing board meeting
10:30 - 11:00: Coffee break
11:00 - 13:00: Brainstorming and mapping out of a non-EU funded "open-source" research project on ecosystem genomics in Europe within the network Download project description
The meeting took place at the METLA Vantaa Unit. The Vantaa Unit with its 270 workers, 155 of them researchers, is the biggest regional unit of Metla (Finnish Forest Research Instutute). Also Metla's general management and coordination as well as the administration and internal services are situated in the Vantaa Unit.
Stephanie Hayes (