New EVOLTREE Seminars

New EVOLTREE seminars in November 2024

  • 13 Nov at 14:00 CET: Dr Catherine Kidner, with Dr Rowan Schley: “Hidden diversity and dynamics in rainforest trees”.
  • 27 Nov at 14:00 CET: Prof. Jens-Christian Svenning: "A future-oriented, deep-time perspective on European woodlands"

Registration form: EVOLTREE Online seminars November 2024 | Evoltree

Webinars in new format

The next webinar will take place in Autumn 2024. It will be in a different format as the previous series. There will be only one webinar with an important speaker, or more speakers,. to attract a broader audience. Furter information will be posted in due time.

The recordings of the past seminars are available: 

8 November 2023: Dr Tom August - Title: “New hardware and computer-vision tools are revolutionising biodiversity monitoring”.  The recording of the seminar is available on: Youtube

15 November 2023: Dr Laura Urban - Title: “Real-time Genomics for One Health”. The recording of the seminar is available on: Youtube

22 November 2023: Prof Cavender-Bares and Dr Hernández-Leal - Title: "Phenotypes in phylogeography and phylogenetics: using foliar spectral signatures to understand diversification in plants". The recording of the seminar is available on: Youtube

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