The conference on Molecular Mapping & Marker Assisted Selection covered the latest advances in the following research areas:
Amongst the invited speakers were internationally known names such as J.L. Jannink, D. Kliebenstein, J. Snape, N. Jones, H. Bürstmayr, A.H. Paterson, J. Saez-Vasquez, R. Waugh, J. Salse, J. van Dongen, M. Steinfath, E. Paux, C. Feuillet, S. Xu, B.D. Kim, N.A. Tinker, M. Matsui, B. Usadel, J.R. Russell and others. Approximately 300-350 participants were expected including almost 40 speakers and many presentations selected from abstracts. The program combined plenary lectures, poster sessions, and sightseeing tours.