The need for the transfer of knowledge is high among both researchers and practitioners, active in the discipline of forestry. The Summer school on ‘Scientific writing, reviewing and publishing and forest genetic monitoring knowledge transfer into practice’ provides Ph.D. students, junior and senior researchers training sessions on a production, submission and a reviewing process of scientific publications.
The 10th summer school focused on scientific writing and scientific publishing in exact sciences, and in (applied) biological and forestry sciences. The training consisted of lectures and practical training with many examples, tips and tricks. Participants were given some practical homework and were asked for input during the lectures and the training. They were invited to bring an example publication (of their own or of any other researcher) to the summer school.
The school was co-organized by the LIFE project LIFE SySTEMiC and EVOLTREE network, in collaboration with the Slovenian Forestry Institute. Grants were available from EVOLTREE network.
Participation at the training school was free of charge. Participants covered their travel, food and accommodation expenses; however all was organized by the school. Accommodation with breakfast was organized at hostel Bearlog in Kočevje, from August 8th till August 11
th, including lunch and dinner.Kočevje is also home to many larger wildlife species, and we are very interested in sharing experiences with genetic monitoring of forest trees and animals such as wolves. We have invited Gregor Simčič to a collaboration between the projects LIFE WOLFALPS EU LIFE18 NAT /IT/000972 and LIFE SySTEMiC project LIFE18 ENV /IT/000124. Gregor presented the LIFE WOLFALPS project during a field trip to the forest for all summer school participants on August 10, when we visited LIFE SySTEMiC plot in Rajhenav and the accessible site of the virgin forest Krokar with the forester in charge (organized b the Slovenian Forest Service, also partner in the LIFE SySTEMiC project). LIFE SySTEMiC was presented by Katja Sonnenschein.