The 2023/2024 call has been awarded to Enrique Saez-Laguna.
Title of his project: "Using pangenomics to compare the effect of point mutations, structural variants, and DNA methylation in shaping the adaptive phenotypes across European white oak species” (PanMutOak).
The project aims at obtaining six genomes of white oak species (Q. canariensis, Q. faginea, Q. petraea, Q. pubescens, Q. pyrenaica and Q. robur) through high quality PacBio HiFi reads that will be used to build the first pangenome of the European white oak syngameon. The pangenome will be used to compare single nucleotide, structural and DNA methylation variation among species. Then, mutations predicted to have strong different effects among species will be identified – with a special focus on genes with adaptive functions – in order to obtain a list of genes potentially interesting for oak genetic resources management.